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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I think that my most favorite picture set would be the 24 of 1 series. My favorite shot in this set would have to be the picture of the mushroom on the ladder. I think what i like most about this picture is that the low F-stop blurs the entire background and turns it into little circles. I also like how the cleanliness of the mushroom contrasts deeply with the weathered and dirty look of the ladder. The colors captured in the picture all help to compliment the definitive red mushroom. Lastly, the angle and positioning of the mushroom in the shot help to create a sense of interest which ultimately makes this a great shot.


  1. dope a** pic levi, keep up the good work.

  2. Nice pic! Like the angle with the blurred out background.

  3. said...



    I love it! You are quite the photographer, we should get together sometime and take some photos! ;)
